Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 12, 2011

FarmVille: Free Mystery Game Darts get you one step closer to a French Unicorn

Well, this looks a bit desperate, doesn't it? I had a feeling when this week's FarmVille Mystery Game released, offering farmers a free French Unicorn only after they had paid enough Farm Cash to win the six regularly available animals in the game, heads might roll. While it may not have come to anything as violent as that, it does look like the response has been less than anticipated, as Zynga is now outright giving away Mystery Darts to get people to play the game.

This, of course, is good news for those who have yet to play the game this week, but bad for those who've already spent dozens or even hundreds of Farm Cash to complete the game. There's no word on whether those particular farmers will be able to save the free dart until next week's game (it doesn't show up in your inventory), but I wouldn't get my hopes up about that. As it stands, you'll need to manually check to see if you have been given the dart, by entering the Mystery Game as though you were about to pay to play it. There, you may be greeted by the "You've been selected for a free dart" pop-up, although there's no guarantee that you'll be so lucky.

Now that this is the second time we've been given a free Mystery Game Dart, it leaves us to wonder: has the popularity of the entire game slipped, or was this French Unicorn debacle simply something Zynga wanted to apologize for? The real test will come this evening, when the Mystery Game is restocked. Will another "free" item be available to lure players back in, or will Zynga have learned from this week's fan backlash? Stick with us to find out.

Which animal did you win with your free Mystery Game Dart this week? Had you already completed the game using Farm Cash? If so, were you still offered a free dart, or was the dialog you received any different?

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